In the context of bhotels/b and especially in the front office when staffs come in direct contact with the guests be it in Nepal or elsewhere (even in India)??there is a general categorisation of guests(clients) not just in terms of market b..../b Tamangharu ko pani buddhi chaina nita..padididaina?.ani last ma gayera kunchai ko ghar ma bhaada maajhne, durwaan bhunu/b pugcha.. I am not against any Indians, Nepalese, Chinese, Japanese, German?I actually hate the individual sly, ...
Look at prachada, Person who used to live in jungle for last 10 years, as soon as he entered ktm, needs luxrious bhotel/b, 4wd and dinner and lunch every day in some good bhotel/b. He was the one who used to talk about inequality b..../b Kasle kati lagyo, kina, ke kam ko lagi etc sabai kura haru recorded bhunu/b parcha so that we can analyze independently whether the netas are ?seto hattis? or not. J jati moj gare pani huncha (kam nai nagare pani huncha), vote halne bela ma heraula. b.../b
Ja si myslim, ze praotec Cech tahnul za sebou asi 5000 divokych Hunu z cehoz 2000 bylo basistu a 2000 drzeli hokejky. Libuse musela byt skutecne nadrzena, kdyz poslala pro Premysla orace. Je nekde zapsana velikost jeho pohlavi? ...